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Under The Covers

Under The Covers


Made with Contact Young Company and directed by Stacy Makishi with assistant director Nathaniel Hall, Under The Covers (2015) examines young peoples' contemporary attitudes to sex, questioning myths and breaking taboos.

A full-length work for theatre, Under The Covers was inspired by the Wellcome Collection exhibition The Institute of Sexology, and the recent National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles.

Contact Young Company (CYC) explored the topic of Sexology with artists, theorists and sexologists, visiting the The Institute of Sexology exhibition in London and taking workshops with the artists Kate O'Donnell and Rosana Cade.


CYC is Contact Manchester’s renowned young ensemble, made up of performers, actors, dancers, musicians, poets and MCs. Each year the company creates professional works with international artists such as Forced Ents, Lies Pauwels and Grupo XIX de Teatro.


I wasn't expecting such a delicate and sophisticated piece of work.

It left me deeply moved; humbled by the willing transparency of the performers to tell their truth with humour and sometimes bewilderment.

I can be afraid for newer generations; how, in the midst of this hyper sexualised society with its expectations and assumptions, will they find their way? I wept at the end of their performance in relief and pride. It seems we're going to be ok. 

Dr Rachel Morris, Cosmopolitan sex therapist and radio broadcaster


Under The Covers premiered at Contact and toured to the Southbank Centre, Traverse Edinburgh and Battersea Arts Centre. Supported by the Wellcome Collection and produced by Contact.


Listen to Stacy introducing the show here

Stacy Makishi | London, UK. | | 00 44 (0) 207 247 5102



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